Sunday, August 14, 2011

35 pages into Book Two.

35 pages into Book Two. 
The paperback edition of A Dream of Storms has been available from Amazon for a week now and I’m pretty happy with the results so far. I mean, nothing insane… I’m not quitting my day job yet. But I am doing my best to market the book. Trying to let people know of its existence. It’s a difficult thing, as you other independent writers know. Any suggestions for marketing strategies would be helpful and appreciated.

I am 35 pages into Book Two as of this writing and things are coming along great. I am really liking the plot ideas that I’ve come up with. New directions for the characters and new relationships. No spoilers here, but some very interesting things are happening.

Purchase A Dream of Storms by clicking here!

Thank you for all of your support!



  1. You have some crazy things going on in your first book, disturbing things. (in a good way) That part where you describe the stone trolls lying dead in the field is particularly goosebumpy.

  2. Several people have mentioned that scene and had the same feelings. I'm happy about that. I really wanted to convey that goosebumpiness to the readers. Like living tombstones. Thanks for the comment!
    When will you be selling physical copies of your book(s)?

  3. They guarantee you 10 reviews for your book. I've had good results. Some of the reviews have been well written with a a couple not so well written, but it does give you a fair sampling and as you know the more reviews you have the better you sell. And again, you're just guaranteed a number of reviews not if they'll give you 4-5 stars.
    Konrath recommended them and Catherine over there has been very cool.
    David Scott Hay
    My Amazon Page:

  4. rather. It's past my bedtime.
